This post is a well overdue. In March 2017 I ventured to Everglades City, Florida to shoot a feature for enRoute Magazine, which was slated to be published in fall 2017. However after Hurricane Irma made landfall the story was put on hold. A year and half later the story was published in last September’s enRoute Magazine. Big thanks to Lori Morgan for her editorial support throughout the project.
‘One Leg In, One Leg Out’ is a nominee for Best Short Documentary for the Social Impact Media Awards.
When crafting documentaries you can only hope your films will have an impact on audiences and we couldn't be more excited to be a finalist for an award that "celebrates the best impact filmmaking from around the world that inspires activism, compassion and social transformation". Very proud be part of such a great team and wonderful story.
Best Short Doc - LA Film Fest
‘One Leg In, One Leg Out’ screened at the LA Film Fest several weeks ago. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that the film was recognized for Best Short Documentary!
The amazing Lisa Rideout on stage following the screening.
Rhode Island International Film Festival - Alternative Spirit GRAND PRIZE
We are humbled to learn today that ‘One Leg In, One Leg Out’ was awarded the Alternative Spirit Grand Prize.
Upcoming Solo Exhibition in Vancouver ('Just Beyond the Trail: Finding the Florida Everglades')
Last month I travelled to Florida's Everglades. The wetlands, and its inhabitants, hold many secrets, some of which I was given the opportunity to uncover by The Magenta Foundation and Air Canada's enRoute magazine.
As part of the Flash Forward Emerging Artist Grant, the organization and publication flew me south of the border to document the Everglades for a solo exhibit (held in Vancouver's The Playgound’ as part of the Capture Photography Festival) and photo essay (to be published later this year). If you're on the west coast on Wed. April 26, I'll be there for the opening night and following week until the exhibition ends on April 30. Would be great to see some familiar faces while I'm there!
Here's a link to the event on FB:…/flash-forward-2016-ryan…/
And another for a look at some of the work for those who can't make it out: